Monday, March 23, 2009

What you Know Is more than A Echo.

That guy, oh man that guy, drives me crazy. I have had my fair share of connections, and failed relationships to know when something right is finally coming my way. I suppose in this new situation I have many reasons to be quite skeptical, I mean its hard to trust someone you don't know. Trust me I have trust some people that never deserved my trust in the first place. Time and time again I seem to go through the same cycle of being happy then discovering its all a lie. But with him its different, its almost as if I have known him longer then I have known myself.

It's kind of weird for me to be feeling that way given my trust issues among other things. But its like catching that perfect scent along the breeze and taking in every breath of it and knowing that you will never forget that ex centric smell again. How me makes me feel is a mystery to me, a constant question. There are days when things are up, and others they are down. To make this all the more interesting then it needs to be, I have never met him before. I met him in a way that most people meet each other these days. the Internet. Which most of you would see as being crazy and UN-realistic in most situations but not with mine.

There is something about him that makes me wanna jump through fire and death just to get to him. Most of you by now are asking "Why is he even bothering the guy is thousands of miles away". The answer to that question is: because I can. Because when you want something, and you know deep down in your hear that its right you go after it. Yes there is always that ten percent chance that it may not work out. But me being who I am I wouldn't even bother unless I thought it could turn into something more.

I'm done with the guys who act like there still in high school; with the cheating, drug use, partying, and the sexual escapade's. Being only twenty I have realized that is not a life I wanna be associated with in any way, shape, or form. I wanna start over continue my education, settle down and start a family. Granted sometimes he makes things difficult, but that's why he is so amazing he looks at life in a way I never thought I could. He sees beyond the horizon to bigger and better things. All I want is for him to share that with me....

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