Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Much Needed Wake Up Call.

Why do we allow ourselves to constantly dwell on love so much? Perhaps its for a better understanding of ourselves, or perhaps its because in the end Love seems to be the only thing in our lives that will finally make us feel complete. Over the course of 8 months now I have gone through the trials and tribulations of having love away as quickly as it started. People are never who they say they are in the end the only thing they are what we want them too be. Sometimes its difficult to look past someone flaws, weaknesses and even those annoying little things they do from time too time. I myself seem to be making the same mistake over and over, and that's not focusing more on the other person. I stopped taking the time to look at things from there point of view and understand how they were feeling. Instead I only focused on myself and how I was feeling, and that's where the road becomes rough. In allowing myself to fall down this path I have had my heart broken as well broken others. But the real question is why do I allow myself to do such things, and when does it end? Well the answer is simple its really up too me I have done nothing but be a walking contradiction, and a self centered fickle person. I hoping that with life taking a new turn and with the world being put at my feet I might finally be able to get to this point and become a person worth loving.

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